Thursday, May 30, 2013

Face Toner Home Remedy

To go along with the facial scrub in my last post I decided to post a toner recipe  too! This one, I promise, is a lot shorter description, but works wonders as well! All you will need is a small bottle, apple cider vinegar, a medium cucumber, one lemon and a blender. 

1) Make a cucumber purée first. Not long. 3 seconds max. Drain the natural juice. Let it sit so it all seeps out. It takes a few minuets.  If you need more juice purée again. Note: If you purée too much, you will get baby clumps of cucumber.  
2) Take a fourth cup apple cider vinegar, and mix with lemon juice (half a lemon. 
3) Mix in the cucumber purée and VIOLA! You're done!  

Now to all of you who are my workout lovelies reading this. I have a WARNING for you! If you put too much vinegar, or not enough lemon juice, when you sweat ... you may smell vinegar from your pores being open! I learned the hard way.. It isn't too pleasant! 

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